T4LT - Infographics

Infographics make data visual with easy to understand charts, graphs and images. Tools such as infogr.am, visual.ly and easel.ly all offer quick to compose drag-n-drop utilities to compose your snazzy infographic. Share applications for infographics you have used in your courses.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love it! Great ideas. I really like http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ as a blog about infographic-y stuff.

Some cool things about infographics and the Civil War (an academic passion of mine) that I just can't help but share:

Civil War vet "invented" the infographic: http://www.fastcodesign.com/1671605/how-a-civil-war-soldier-invented-the-american-infographic#1

An interactive way to explore the military elements of the Civil War: http://www.elibrosen.com/civilwar/

Keep the sweet T4LTs rolling and thanks for being great.