T4LT - Online Student Engagement Tips and Strategies

10 ideas to begin the sharing of student engagement strategies in online courses. Some low to no-tech ideas are included in this episode. And while we mention online courses specifically (we work in the distance learning department), many of the techniques apply to on-ground and blended courses as well. Join in the conversation and post a comment with your own thoughts on engaging students.
  1. Call/Text Students
  2. Require Regular Logins
  3. Act on Report Data
  4. Create Meaningful & Relevant Assignments
  5. Explain Your Expectations
  6. Assess Online Learning Readiness
  7. Time Management Training
  8. Assignment Variety & Ownership
  9. Add a Live Element
  10. Personalize Communication

Is Online Learning Right for You?

Managing Your Time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refers to the student to take online classes for their studying. Many platforms are here for students help like, Professional Test Takers Online. I also say the students, you get more and more benefits from online platforms.